Head & Brain Injury

Barr Ellison Law Headway Solicitor 2024Head injuries are like no other. They have a shattering impact on the victims and often lead to long-term complications, not only for those involved but their families.

Barr Ellison offers a wealth of experience in representing clients with head injuries. We understand and implement the all important rehabilitation before assessing the compensation elements and how best to preserve your compensation for the long term.

Our priority in the early stage of any claim is to focus on the rehabilitation and good supportive case management for those in need. We will build up a team for you to provide support workers, therapists, accommodation advisers and other experts depending on your needs. We also are aware of the need for ongoing support as there can be long-term problems which are not of a medical nature but are concerned with the adjustment of individuals and families to the realities of life after a head injury. Your financial stability is also important and we obtain interim payments during the progression of the claim.

Corporate Sponsor Headway Cambridgeshire and Peterborough“Thank you for all your hard work on our case. We are very pleased with the way you managed the whole thing and a big thank you on behalf of Stella in terms of the great care she received following this dreadful accident. She would not have recovered so quickly if it wasn’t for you.”
Maksymilian Bielanowski (Family for Stella Mialik)

Free Initial Legal Consultation

Come and talk to us. It’s worth meeting us. You’ll find us sympathetic, keen to help and with a wealth of experience. The initial consultation is free and you will be advised on the merits of your claim, the likely compensation you may receive and methods of funding litigation. Our priority is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your claim, the procedure that we will adopt to pursue your claim and the potential level of compensation (as well as the challenges involved in achieving it).

For more information and advice, call 01223 417200 (Parkside office) or 01223 411315 (Addenbrooke’s* office) and ask for a member of the Personal Injury team. Alternatively, why not pop into our office at the Addenbrooke’s Hospital* Concourse – we are opposite Barclays.

Barr Ellison Law Headway Corporate Supporter 2024The Personal Injury Team
Our team has experience in multi-million pound actions for head injury victims. We handle claims arising from road traffic accidents, accidents at work or even through criminal injuries. These are very complex cases and it is important to have the necessary experience and expertise in dealing with such cases from start to finish. Members of our team are recognised lawyers in this field and we are also on the Headway and Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT) list of recommended solicitors.

Court of Protection Deputyships
Some injuries will result in a loss of mental capacity to manage ones own affairs. We have experienced deputies that can protect your position both during and after the resolution of your claim. We can assist with the application for Deputyship to the Court of Protection and provide all necessary support during this difficult period. Our Court of Protection Deputyships page demonstrates our expertise in this area and how we can help you.

We are able to provide you with clear and concise options when deciding upon how to fund your claim for compensation. It is important that the wrongdoer is principally responsible for your legal costs and we advise on how best to achieve that We will advise you whether you have a suitable legal expense policy in place or alternatively we are able to offer ‘no win, no fee’ arrangements.

* Barr Ellison supports the invaluable work undertaken by the Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust. We will not accept instructions to pursue claims against Addenbrooke’s or any part of the NHS.

Barr Ellison Law UK Top Tier Firm 2024Top Tier Legal 500 Ranking for Personal Injury

Barr Ellison LLP in Cambridge has a dedicated catastrophic personal injury practice that is known for high-value claims and its experience in Court of Protection matters and personal injury trusts. The firm, which also has an office in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, has ‘a high level of expertise and is always focused on getting the best results, as well as being tough and pragmatic’.
Legal 500 Guide

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