What to Expect at your Free Personal Injury Legal Consultation

At Barr Ellison Solicitors we represent victims of all types of accident, but our primary focus is on those victims who unfortunately sustain a serious injury. We offer a free initial consultation, where you will be advised on:

1. The Merits of Your Claim
2. The Methods of Funding open to you
3. Our Focus on Early Rehabilitation, and
4. The Elements of Your Financial Claim

The Merits of Your Claim

Establishing the relative merits of your claim needs to done at the outset. We will discuss all the key elements with you: what happened, who is to blame, what evidence may be available and the severity of the injury. We will discuss the likelihood of success of your case to guide your decision as to how best to proceed.

Elements considered at the initial personal injury legal consultation

Methods of Funding

A successful compensation claim for a catastrophic injury will likely take years. You need clarity around how your claim will be funded. There are a number of means of funding a catastrophic injury claim, all or some of which may be open to you: conditional fee (‘no win, no fee’) agreement, contingency fee agreement, legal expenses insurance, third party funding or personal funding. We will explain the options open to you.


Rehabilitation plays a vital role in serious injury claims. In the first months and years of a catastrophic injury case, we often spend more than half our time securing the best possible rehabilitation. Early rehabilitation is crucial in order to ensure that the injured party regains the maximum possible quality of life from the outset.

In addition to medical treatment and therapies, it will be necessary to appoint a proactive Case Manager to ensure good, timely rehabilitation support. This is expensive and we would seek early interim payments to cover these costs.

The Financial Claim

The elements of your financial claim will also be explored. The damages in a catastrophic injury case tend to include medical costs, lost earnings and other concrete financial losses caused by the injury, as well as compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Nothing can fully compensate for the devastating effect of a serious personal injury. But where someone else is to blame, a financial settlement can give all-important recognition of responsibility – and provide the practical means for you to rebuild your life.

Get in touch if you have suffered a serious injury and believe you may need legal assistance. We have had a dedicated office at Addenbrooke’s for over 25 years to better serve our clients.

Disclaimer: This guide contains general information only and does not constitute legal advice.  You need to consult a suitably qualified lawyer from the firm on any specific legal issue. 

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